About deb's gourmet pantry
deb's love of canning and her desire to create unique flavor combinations have resulted in a successful woman-owned small business!
Six delicious jams and jellies are available in more than 50 locations in four states.

deb's Story
The story begins in my father in-law's garden in Lee's Summit, MO, where my husband Dave grew up enjoying fresh vegetables each year. I had always been interested in canning, so Dave suggested we plant a few vegetables ourselves. The first year we planted, tended and eagerly anticipated our harvest of green beans, tomatoes, zucchini and yellow squash. My first experience was with canning green beans and I was hooked!
One day soon afterward, as we were enjoying our favorite peach pepper jam, I thought, "I can make that!" My first jam was Hot Pepper Peach and everyone who tried it was convinced it was better than our purchased favorite. A small business idea was born!
I began to develop new jelly recipes, and bravely ventured out into the marketplace. Sales began in small arts and crafts shows in Kansas City, and at my hair stylist's salon.
Production moved from our home kitchen to a certified culinary kitchen in Kansas City, and in 2012, to the Arkansas Food Innovation Center at the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville.
deb's gourmet pantry can now be found in over 47 retail locations in 4 states (AR, KS, MO, and OK) as well as at area arts and crafts festivals and farmer's markets.
The future looks bright for my company as I continue to add new retail partners and experiment with new flavors. Stay tuned for more news about deb's gourmet pantry!